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My kid is addicted to gaming, San Clemente, CA

I was nervous about writing this testimonial...

Not for a lack of appreciation for the miracles BILY has worked in our lives, but because I never want to sound too sure-footed, like I’ve got things all figured out. Because despite our best intentions, sometimes life takes us down roads we don’t mean to travel. What I do know is that because of BILY, I no longer travel those roads alone. At every step of my family’s journey, BILY was there, believing in and advocating for our family’s well-being. With their help, I was able to let go and trust that—just as I would find my way out of a box of chocolates I unexpectedly fell

into—our son would find his way too. And so I began believing in our son again. I offered resources and

help where I could, just short of doing the work for him. I learned to stay in my lane and to take care of

myself. On BILY’s suggestion, I went to yoga and therapy. I practiced mindfulness and learned to calm

that part of myself that said nothing would end well. Hope replaced fear. Despair quieted. And love,

while it was always there, took a more hands-on approach in the things I said and in how I showed up.

Today our son is doing what he loves. He is a joy to be with and whether he means to or not, he teaches

me about the kind of person I want to be. Our list of family rules no longer hangs on our dining room

wall, but the effects of the respect and value we learned in BILY are still practiced and felt daily.

If you are struggling, I hope you make room in your life and in your heart for the miracles of BILY. I am

grateful I did.

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